DG Voice

The Voice of Disabled People in Dumfries & Galloway

Nothing About Us Without Us

Our Voice, Our Choice

DG Voice is a region-wide organisation of disabled people. We work to make sure that Dumfries and Galloway Council, the Health and Social Care Partnership, and other businesses and organisations consider the needs and rights of all disabled people in everything they do. We are a place for people who experience disability to have their say about any matters that affect them.

Understanding Challenges

DG Voice supports the social model of disability. That means that we believe that a person experiences disability because of the barriers that exist in society. For instance, it is not being a wheelchair user that makes someone disabled, it is the steps leading to the shops. Similarly, it is not someone’s inability to hear that makes them disabled, but the lack of alternative ways of communication. Barriers can be physical (like a kissing gate on a path), or they can be attitudes (like the notion that everyone should be able to read quickly and easily). These challenges are the reason that disabled people need a voice.

People and Policies

Whilst we are not a direct service provider, DG Voice offers its members signposting. We can help guide you through the maze so you can get what you need. And we work to remove barriers that you face by influencing policy at the local, regional, and national level. We recognise the needs of other marginalised communities, and support LGBTQ and Black and Ethnic Minority communities. We are part of the Dumfries and Galloway Equality Partnership trying to make our region equitable, inclusive, and welcoming to all.

Charged Services

DG Voice offers two charged services: Disability Equality Training and Access Auditing. We also award kite marks of excellence to those organisations and businesses that have achieved the highest level of disability awareness and accessibility. Any business or third sector organisation that wants to make sure it understands and accommodates the needs of disabled people can contact DG Voice to arrange for one or both of these services.